LED Wizard 8 includes two easy methods for Scaling a populated object to a new size. The first is the Population Scaling Tool, which we talk about in the previous section. The second is Graphical Population Scaling, which we talk about here. Both approaches let you start with a single population and scale it up and/or down to new sizes using the same module and depth.
The Graphical Population Scaling is part of the larger ability in LED Wizard 8 to both create vector paths from a population and populate LEDs to an open vector path. In fact, you can go back and forth between the Vector Edit Tool and Powerflow to edit your population.
To graphically scale a population, we must first create a clean "master" population in PowerFlow.
[Dave's writing]
Make sure Dynamic is checked in the Powerflow Tab. Then simply scale the object to the new size using the upper left or upper right scale handle, and when the left button is released, the modules will be recreated according to the density guidelines.
You can also enter a new height in the LED object's property and press Enter to scale the LED layout to the new height.