LED Wizard 8 Documentation

Intro to LED Wizard 8 Docs
Getting Started
System Requirements
Screen Layout
LED Wizard Basics
Basic Workflow
Operating Modes
Defaults and Preferences
New in Version 8
Data Clean Up Tool
Module Filtering
LED Wizard Fonts
LED Wizard 8 Database
Population Scaling Tool
Graphical Population Scaling
Auto Stats and Title Block Merging
Auto Power Supply Loading
Auto Dimensioning
Single Run Populations
Create Guide Paths from Open Vector Paths
Freehand Drawing Tool
Power Supply Colors
New Auto Power Supply Loading Options
Multiple Document Interface
Power Supply Rotation
Population Library
Core Series Flexible Mode
Creating LED Module Layouts
Using the PowerFlow Tool
Creating and Editing LED Modules
Scaling LED Graphics
Working with Guidepaths
Working with Selections
Editing Existing Selections
Cabinet Layouts
Parallel Layouts
Module Rotations
Reusing Module Layouts
Target Density
LED Property Bar
Using Power Supplies
Using Title Blocks
Multiple Module Title Blocks
Title Block Variables
Using Guidelines
Copy and Paste
Importing Files
From Adobe Illustrator
From Corel Draw
From AutoCAD
Exporting Files
Editing Text
Vector Editing
Loop Editing
Tools, Tabs and Property Bars
PowerFlow Tool
PowerFlow Property Bar
PowerFlow Tab
PowerFlow Tool Keyboard Shortcuts
Semi-Automatic Populations
Layout Tool
Data Clean Up Tool
Auto Mounting Holes Tool
Assign Letters Tool
Scale Tab
Summary Tab
PS Tab
Objects Tab
Layers Tab
History Tab
Job Tab
Text Edit Tool
Vector Edit Tool
Keys for Vector Editing
Loop Edit Tool
On Screen Digitizing Tool
Object Property Bar
Group Property Bar
Guideline Property Bar
Measure Tool Property Bar
Bitmap Property Bar
LED Object Property Bar
Job Color Property Bar
Menu Reference
File Menu
Open Recent
Save As
Save Copy As
Snapshots Menu
Export Scaled PDF
Email PDF
Edit Menu
Paste Special
Paste in Place
Select All
Vector/Node Tools
Vector - Insert
Vector - To Line
Vector - To Arc
Vector - To Bezier
Vector - Break Loop
Vector - Set St/End Point
Vector - Join St/End Point
Vector - Move Opening
Vector - Add Vertical Guide
Vector - Add Horizontal Guide
Reorder Loops
Unexplode Vector Paths
Purge Undo/History
Document Properties
View Menu
Zoom commands
Toolbox menu
Custom Toolbars
Show Fill Colors
Show Stroke Colors
Show Grid
Show Guidelines
Show Rulers
Show Loop Direction
Show Job Color Palette
Show Side Bar
Show Info Bar
Show Help Bar
Show Group Member Names
Highlight Small Vectors
Transparent Background
Reset Toolbar Layout
Layout Menu
Guides commands
Shapes commands
Rounded Rectangle
Layout Properties
Size to Fit
Show Layout Size
Snap to Grid
Snap to Guidelines
Snap Dimensions to Graphics
Selectable Guidelines
Auto Square
Create Auto Dimensions
Arrange Menu
Align Tools
Distribute Tools
Group Tools
Select Only by Edge Click
Allow Options
Break Into Loops
Break Into Outer Loops
Close All Loops
Remove All Inner Loops
Horizontal Mirror
Vertical Mirror
Z Order Tools
Move to Layer
To Top
To Bottom
Move One Up
Move One Down
Text Menu
Text Tool
Break Apart
Live Spell Checking
Convert to Text
Change Copy
Change Case Tools
Font Wizard
Font Layout
Add Variable Text
Edit Variable Text
Remove Variable Text
Image Menu
Crop Tool
Rotate +/- 90 Degrees
Flip Horizontal/Vertical
Commit Rotation
1:1 Zoom
Save (Image) As
Cut at Max Length
Reorder Tubes
Power Supply Template Setup
Multi Excel Update
LED Menu
PowerFlow LED Tool
Assign Letters
Statistics Menu
Update Statistics
Update Grouped Statistics
Recreate Statistics
Respace Stats
Uniformly Respace Stats
Merge Title Block Template
Remove Title Block
This Document is a Title Block
Optimized Title Block Text
Create Module Hole Layer
Create Router Layer
Auto Mounting Holes Tool
Update Vector Guidepaths
Remove Vector Guidepaths
Create Guide Paths from Open Vector Paths
Recreate with Bezier Curves
Rasterize-Vectorize Filter
Remove LED Modules
Populate Menu
Populate All
Populate Along Guide
Populate Stroke Inline
Populate Single Horizontal Serif
Paste Selected Runs
Insert Parallel Guide Line
Add to Population Library
Respace Selected Runs
Auto Respace
Auto Join
Filtering Enabled
Calculate Stroke Width at Cursor
Modify Menu
Select All Modules in Run
Select All Modules in Letter
Select Stroke
Add Run to Selection
Rotate Menu
Reset Primary Rotation Angle
Reset Secondary Rotation Angle
Alternate Rotations
Rotate 90 degrees
Rotate 45 degrees
Rotate 45 degrees - Alternating
Rotate Counter-Clockwise (Left)
Rotate Clockwise (Right)
Flip Primary Rotation Angle
Flip Secondary Rotation Angle
Convert to Perpendicular Alternate Rotated
Density Menu
Increase Density
Increase Density For Entire Run
Decrease Density
Decrease Density For Entire Run
Uniform Spacing
Uniform Spacing For Entire Run
Add / Remove Density Segment
Show Density Segments
Clear All Density Segments
Append Module
Insert Single Module
Mirror Horizontal
Mirror Vertical
Fill To Cursor
Break Run
Move Opening
Convert To Line
Shift Menu
Shift Inward
Shift Outward
Slide Backward
Slide Forward
Slide to Max Spacing
Reconnect Runs
Center in Stroke
Center in Stroke w/Cleaning
Mouse Menu
Nudge Faster
Delete Current Run
Delete Module(s)
Delete Module(s) and Break
Delete All Modules in Current Letter
Delete Modules in All Letters
Remove Overlapping Modules
PowerFlow Measure Mode
Ensure Reachability
Change All Modules
PS Menu
Power Supply Edit Mode
Add Selection Rectangle Modules to Power Supply
Connect Run to Power Supply
Remove Run from Power Supply
Add New Power Supply
Remove Power Supply
Add One Power Supply per Letter
Add One Power Supply per Letter (Auto Select PS)
Add One Power Supply for All Letters
Add One Power Supply for All Letters (Auto Select PS)
Add Optimal Power Supplies by Letter
Add Optimal Power Supplies by Run
Add Optimal Power Supplies by Modules (breaks runs)
Connect Current Letter to Power Supply
Remove Current Letter from Power Supply
Drawing Left
Drawing Above
Drawing Right
Drawing Below
Next Drawing Position
Hide Power Supplies
Arrange Power Supplies in a Grid
Options Menu
Show Connecting Wires
Show Run Numbers
Show Power Supply Wires
Show Power Supply Data Boxes
Show Power Supply Data Box Borders
Show Module Drawings
Show Letters and Stats
Show Vector Guidepaths
Show Stroke Width Line
Enable Dynamic Repop
Power Supply Color Mode
Auto Extend
Remove All Stray Modules
Refresh Run Numbers
PowerFlow Menu
Ctrl Enables Snapping
Non-Snapping Movement Auto Rotates
Non-Snapping Drag Auto Rotates
Show Stroke Circle
Excel Menu
LED Excel Link Setup
Update Excel
Auto Update Excel
Excel Enabled
Title Block Setup
Letter Statistics Setup
Legacy Statistics Template Setup
Power Supply Template Setup
Power Supply Pricing Setup
Module Pricing Setup
Filter Modules
Edit Face Materials
Legacy Letter Statistics Mode
Open Merged Titleblock File
Upload Log Files
Tools Menu
General Tab
View Tab
Edit Tab
Save Tab
Text Tab
Tools Tab
High Color Toolbox
Update LED Database
Reload LED Database
Layout Tool
Vector Edit Tool
Loop Edit Tool
On Screen Digitize Tool
Freehand Drawing Tool
Data Prep Tool
Calculate Area
Channel Letter Return
Radius Corners
Convert Menu
Convert Beziers to Arcs
Convert Arcs to Beziers
Convert to All Lines
Convert Lines to Arcs
Convert Flat Blend to Simple Fills
Convert All Clippings Paths to Normal Paths
Convert All Clipping Paths to Normal Filled Paths
Detect Letters
Remove Coincident Loops Across Layout
Remove All Clipping Paths
Optimize Vectors
Find Self-Intersecting Loops
Force Loop Direction
Remove Duplicate Loops
Display Path Length
Reset Windows Explorer File Association
Open AppData Folder
Window Menu
Tile Vertical
Tile Horizontal
Help Menu
Get Help
Check for Web Updates
About LED Wizard
DXF Options
PDF Options
Shortcut Key Reference
Working with App Data Files
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7.1.3 PowerFlow Tab

The PowerFlow Tab is the primary interface for automatic populations, editing LED modules, and fine tuning the LED population.

The PowerFlow Tab contains handy buttons for create various type of automatic populations, displays progress and allows you to cancel an auto population.


This is the button to enter the PowerFlow operating mode on the selected object. Everything in the rest of this section assumes that you are in PowerFlow.

New Guidepath

Clicking this button will regenerate the guidepath used to determine the position of LEDs. If you have the Auto Calc button checked, then this will reference the Density Guidelines to create the new guidepath.


This button will populate the current object using the current guidepath as shown. When Center Path is not checked, and the letter has thin and thick strokes, you may see sections without a guidepath, but they will be filled in during the Populate operation.

Populate All

This button will populate all letters in the original selected line of text or group of letters.


This checkbox enables the new Dynamic Mode for an LED object. This means that a Vector Guide Path (VGP) is used to create the modules when the object is Scaled graphically with the scale handle, or numerically in the property bar.

Update Vector GP

This will create or update the Vector Guidepath from the path created by the existing LED modules. You would use this function when you changed the module path, and want that change to be reflected in the Vector Guidepath, perhaps for subsequent scaling.


The + (plus) button will add the current object's Vector Guidepath to the Population Library. This means that when you use this same font and letter in the future, the same Vector Guidepath will be used, letting you customize the general path of the modules for a particular font and letter combination.


This option rounds sharp corners so that modules are not placed in the corners, but rather more evenly along the path to create a more accurate module count. This option is required if you are going to use the LED Scale features, where corners are always rounded and can appear different from an initial population in which Round Corners was not checked.


Use this button or the corresponding key, the backtick (~), to repopuate the selected object(s). Using Alt+~ or holding down Alt while pressing this button will recreate the guidepath also. Normally just the modules are populated, but sometimes the guidepath should recreated also, and fix any problems you might see in the module path. You would use this function if you changed the Vector Guidepath using the Vector Edit Tools, and want the modules to track those changes.

Center Path

Check this when you have letter that includes both single row and double row sections of modules, and you want to include, or not include, the center path. Some letters are "iffy" about needing a center path, and this lets you turn off the center path.

Guidepath Filtering

This is a rarely needed option, but when you need it, it's very useful to have. See the example below for a case where it's needed, a font with varying stroke widths. Keep in mind that since not all double run letters would need this type of filtering, we leave it up to you to decide when to use it.

Select Auto Power Supply

Select the power supply loading scheme to use when the Auto PS option is checked, or the Load button is pressed. This loads the current population with the selected power supply, using this loading scheme. These power supply loading methods correspond to the similarly named commands in the PS Menu.

Select Auto Title Block

Select the title block to use when Auto Title Block is selected, or Merge is pressed. This merges the title block with the current LED document.


This loads the current population using the power supply loading scheme selected in the Select Auto PS list, above.


This merges the current population with the title block selected in the Select Auto Title Block list.

Auto Dims

Check this option to have the graphics have dimensions automatically added.

Auto Join

This enables joining of thin strokes with the inlined runs. If you prefer to do the joining yourself, uncheck this.

Auto PS

Checking this will cause the population to be automatically loaded with the power supply currently selected in the PS Tab.

Auto Title Block

Checking this will cause the title block selected in Select Auto Title Block to be automatically merged with the population when the Populate button is pressed.


Use the Clear button to remove modules for the current letter.

Clear All

Use the Clear All button to remove modules for all the letters of the original selection, that is, the group or graphic selected when first starting the PowerFlow tool. This removes all modules created with any of the Pop All series of buttons.


This button appears when one of the Pop buttons is pressed and lets you cancel the potentially long processing.

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