LED Wizard now supports power supplies as an integral part of creating an LED layout.
Working with Power Supplies
Power Supplies are connected to LED modules with the PowerFlow tool.
The PS tab in the lower right corner of the workspace shows a list of power supplies you can select from.
Adding a Power Supply
Press Shift+P key, or press the + button in the PS tab, to add a new power supply to the layout. The power supply added is the currently selected power supply in the drop down list in the PowerFlow tab.
Removing a Power Supply
To remove a power supply from a layout, you can either select it and press Del, or when using the PowerFlow tool, press Ctrl+Shift+P. Del also works when using the PowerFlow tool.
Adding Multiple Power Supplies to a Single Letter or Cabinet
You can only connect entire runs of modules to a power supply, but there are ways to break up a run into multiple pieces, according to how many modules can be added to a power supply.
In the PowerFlow tool's PS Mode, if you hold down Control while dragging a box, this selects the modules that are only within the box, which are highlighted with a thick black stroke. As you drag, the selected modules are added to the selected power supply on a provisional basis and you can see the total load on the power supply if the selected modules were added to the power supply. This lets you easily decide where to break one or more runs - it will be overloaded when too many modules are selected.
Once you've found the selection of modules that should be added to the power supply, release the left button and then press the B key, which will break the selected runs according to the modules that were selected, and add those runs to the power supply.
To select entire runs and preview how much they will load the power supply, drag a box without Control held down when in PS Mode (). Each run selected with the box will be highlighted and added to the preview load calculation, which appears both at the power supply and in the PS tab, with the PS tab display being a fixed size and readable font.
When the power supply is overloaded, the stats are drawn in red and the power supply is outlined in red.
Using the PS Tab
The PS Tab in the lower right of the workspace is used to select a power supply to use in your layout as well as display statistics for the currently selected power supply.
The drop down list shows the available power supplies that are currently defined.
Each power supply in the layout is listed in main section of the tab. You can click on this list to select a different power supply and make it the active or selected power supply.
To add a power supply to the layout, select a power supply from the drop down list and then press the + key to add it to the layout.
Once a power supply is defined and you're using the PowerFlow tool, you can freely move it around the layout without needing to switch to the Layout tool, by simply selecting and moving it.
Each power supply in the layout has an entry in the list of active power supplies in the PS tab.