Intro to LED Wizard 8 Docs
Getting Started
System Requirements
Screen Layout
LED Wizard Basics
Basic Workflow
Operating Modes
Defaults and Preferences
New in Version 8
Data Clean Up Tool
Module Filtering
LED Wizard Fonts
LED Wizard 8 Database
Population Scaling Tool
Graphical Population Scaling
Auto Stats and Title Block Merging
Auto Power Supply Loading
Auto Dimensioning
Single Run Populations
Create Guide Paths from Open Vector Paths
Freehand Drawing Tool
Power Supply Colors
New Auto Power Supply Loading Options
Multiple Document Interface
Power Supply Rotation
Population Library
Core Series Flexible Mode
Creating LED Module Layouts
Using the PowerFlow Tool
Creating and Editing LED Modules
Scaling LED Graphics
Working with Guidepaths
Working with Selections
Editing Existing Selections
Cabinet Layouts
Parallel Layouts
Module Rotations
Reusing Module Layouts
Target Density
LED Property Bar
Using Power Supplies
Using Title Blocks
Multiple Module Title Blocks
Title Block Variables
Using Guidelines
Copy and Paste
Importing Files
From Adobe Illustrator
From Corel Draw
From AutoCAD
Exporting Files
Editing Text
Vector Editing
Loop Editing
Tools, Tabs and Property Bars
PowerFlow Tool
PowerFlow Property Bar
PowerFlow Tab
PowerFlow Tool Keyboard Shortcuts
Semi-Automatic Populations
Layout Tool
Data Clean Up Tool
Auto Mounting Holes Tool
Assign Letters Tool
Scale Tab
Summary Tab
PS Tab
Objects Tab
Layers Tab
History Tab
Job Tab
Text Edit Tool
Vector Edit Tool
Keys for Vector Editing
Loop Edit Tool
On Screen Digitizing Tool
Object Property Bar
Group Property Bar
Guideline Property Bar
Measure Tool Property Bar
Bitmap Property Bar
LED Object Property Bar
Job Color Property Bar
Menu Reference
File Menu
Open Recent
Save As
Save Copy As
Snapshots Menu
Export Scaled PDF
Email PDF
Edit Menu
Paste Special
Paste in Place
Select All
Vector/Node Tools
Vector - Insert
Vector - To Line
Vector - To Arc
Vector - To Bezier
Vector - Break Loop
Vector - Set St/End Point
Vector - Join St/End Point
Vector - Move Opening
Vector - Add Vertical Guide
Vector - Add Horizontal Guide
Reorder Loops
Unexplode Vector Paths
Purge Undo/History
Document Properties
View Menu
Zoom commands
Toolbox menu
Custom Toolbars
Show Fill Colors
Show Stroke Colors
Show Grid
Show Guidelines
Show Rulers
Show Loop Direction
Show Job Color Palette
Show Side Bar
Show Info Bar
Show Help Bar
Show Group Member Names
Highlight Small Vectors
Transparent Background
Reset Toolbar Layout
Layout Menu
Guides commands
Shapes commands
Rounded Rectangle
Layout Properties
Size to Fit
Show Layout Size
Snap to Grid
Snap to Guidelines
Snap Dimensions to Graphics
Selectable Guidelines
Auto Square
Create Auto Dimensions
Arrange Menu
Align Tools
Distribute Tools
Group Tools
Select Only by Edge Click
Allow Options
Break Into Loops
Break Into Outer Loops
Close All Loops
Remove All Inner Loops
Horizontal Mirror
Vertical Mirror
Z Order Tools
Move to Layer
To Top
To Bottom
Move One Up
Move One Down
Text Menu
Text Tool
Break Apart
Live Spell Checking
Convert to Text
Change Copy
Change Case Tools
Font Wizard
Font Layout
Add Variable Text
Edit Variable Text
Remove Variable Text
Image Menu
Crop Tool
Rotate +/- 90 Degrees
Flip Horizontal/Vertical
Commit Rotation
1:1 Zoom
Save (Image) As
Cut at Max Length
Reorder Tubes
Power Supply Template Setup
Multi Excel Update
LED Menu
PowerFlow LED Tool
Assign Letters
Statistics Menu
Update Statistics
Update Grouped Statistics
Recreate Statistics
Respace Stats
Uniformly Respace Stats
Merge Title Block Template
Remove Title Block
This Document is a Title Block
Optimized Title Block Text
Create Module Hole Layer
Create Router Layer
Auto Mounting Holes Tool
Update Vector Guidepaths
Remove Vector Guidepaths
Create Guide Paths from Open Vector Paths
Recreate with Bezier Curves
Rasterize-Vectorize Filter
Remove LED Modules
Populate Menu
Populate All
Populate Along Guide
Populate Stroke Inline
Populate Single Horizontal Serif
Paste Selected Runs
Insert Parallel Guide Line
Add to Population Library
Respace Selected Runs
Auto Respace
Auto Join
Filtering Enabled
Calculate Stroke Width at Cursor
Modify Menu
Select All Modules in Run
Select All Modules in Letter
Select Stroke
Add Run to Selection
Rotate Menu
Reset Primary Rotation Angle
Reset Secondary Rotation Angle
Alternate Rotations
Rotate 90 degrees
Rotate 45 degrees
Rotate 45 degrees - Alternating
Rotate Counter-Clockwise (Left)
Rotate Clockwise (Right)
Flip Primary Rotation Angle
Flip Secondary Rotation Angle
Convert to Perpendicular Alternate Rotated
Density Menu
Increase Density
Increase Density For Entire Run
Decrease Density
Decrease Density For Entire Run
Uniform Spacing
Uniform Spacing For Entire Run
Add / Remove Density Segment
Show Density Segments
Clear All Density Segments
Append Module
Insert Single Module
Mirror Horizontal
Mirror Vertical
Fill To Cursor
Break Run
Move Opening
Convert To Line
Shift Menu
Shift Inward
Shift Outward
Slide Backward
Slide Forward
Slide to Max Spacing
Reconnect Runs
Center in Stroke
Center in Stroke w/Cleaning
Mouse Menu
Nudge Faster
Delete Current Run
Delete Module(s)
Delete Module(s) and Break
Delete All Modules in Current Letter
Delete Modules in All Letters
Remove Overlapping Modules
PowerFlow Measure Mode
Ensure Reachability
Change All Modules
PS Menu
Power Supply Edit Mode
Add Selection Rectangle Modules to Power Supply
Connect Run to Power Supply
Remove Run from Power Supply
Add New Power Supply
Remove Power Supply
Add One Power Supply per Letter
Add One Power Supply per Letter (Auto Select PS)
Add One Power Supply for All Letters
Add One Power Supply for All Letters (Auto Select PS)
Add Optimal Power Supplies by Letter
Add Optimal Power Supplies by Run
Add Optimal Power Supplies by Modules (breaks runs)
Connect Current Letter to Power Supply
Remove Current Letter from Power Supply
Drawing Left
Drawing Above
Drawing Right
Drawing Below
Next Drawing Position
Hide Power Supplies
Arrange Power Supplies in a Grid
Options Menu
Show Connecting Wires
Show Run Numbers
Show Power Supply Wires
Show Power Supply Data Boxes
Show Power Supply Data Box Borders
Show Module Drawings
Show Letters and Stats
Show Vector Guidepaths
Show Stroke Width Line
Enable Dynamic Repop
Power Supply Color Mode
Auto Extend
Remove All Stray Modules
Refresh Run Numbers
PowerFlow Menu
Ctrl Enables Snapping
Non-Snapping Movement Auto Rotates
Non-Snapping Drag Auto Rotates
Show Stroke Circle
Excel Menu
LED Excel Link Setup
Update Excel
Auto Update Excel
Excel Enabled
Title Block Setup
Letter Statistics Setup
Legacy Statistics Template Setup
Power Supply Template Setup
Power Supply Pricing Setup
Module Pricing Setup
Filter Modules
Edit Face Materials
Legacy Letter Statistics Mode
Open Merged Titleblock File
Upload Log Files
Tools Menu
General Tab
View Tab
Edit Tab
Save Tab
Text Tab
Tools Tab
High Color Toolbox
Update LED Database
Reload LED Database
Layout Tool
Vector Edit Tool
Loop Edit Tool
On Screen Digitize Tool
Freehand Drawing Tool
Data Prep Tool
Calculate Area
Channel Letter Return
Radius Corners
Convert Menu
Convert Beziers to Arcs
Convert Arcs to Beziers
Convert to All Lines
Convert Lines to Arcs
Convert Flat Blend to Simple Fills
Convert All Clippings Paths to Normal Paths
Convert All Clipping Paths to Normal Filled Paths
Detect Letters
Remove Coincident Loops Across Layout
Remove All Clipping Paths
Optimize Vectors
Find Self-Intersecting Loops
Force Loop Direction
Remove Duplicate Loops
Display Path Length
Reset Windows Explorer File Association
Open AppData Folder
Window Menu
Tile Vertical
Tile Horizontal
Help Menu
Get Help
Check for Web Updates
About LED Wizard
DXF Options
PDF Options
Shortcut Key Reference
Working with App Data Files
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8.1 File Menu

The File menu contains commands for managing your documents.

New - Ctrl+N

This command creates a new document. We now support Multiple Document Interface, so you can open multiple documents. The document opens maximized by default.

Open - Ctrl+O

The Open dialog allows you to load an existing .LW8 or .LW file for further modification, printing or export. The various fields are described below:

Look in

Select the drive or directory you would like to open the file from.

File Name

Enter the name of the file you want to load, if you know the name, or choose one from the list of files below.

Files Of Type

Use this drop down list box to choose which file type you would like to have listed for you to choose from.

Use Snapshots (only when opening layouts)

Check this to use the snapshot feature when saving and opening layouts.

Thumbnail View as Default

Check this if you want the Open dialog to always open in thumbnail view.


Date of last modified of the layout.


Size of the file in bytes.


Use this to instantly switch to the defined Layouts path.


Use this to instantly switch to the Backups Folder.

Note: Merge is now replaced by Import, and Delete is integrated with the dialog box. That is, you can simply press the Del key to delete a file.

Open Recent

This submenu lists the 10 most recent files that you can open by clicking on the name. You can set the number of files to remember in the Tools | Options | Save tab.

Save - Ctrl+S

The Save command will allow you to save the current layout to disk. If the layout you are working on already has been saved, selecting the Save command will automatically overwrite the existing layout. If you have not previously saved the layout, the Save As dialog box will be displayed and allow you to enter the filename as well as a description for that sign.

You should always Save a layout in our native .LW8 file format in addition to exporting, in case you want to edit the original file.

Save As - Ctrl+Shift+S

The Save As window allows you to save your file under a new name.

Save in

Select the drive or directory you would like to save the file to.

File Name

Enter the name of your file here. You can type in a new directory--if you know it's name--and then press Enter to switch to it, and see the files in it.

Save as Type

Use this drop down list box to choose the file type you wish to save your file as. The default is LED Wizard 8 (.lw8). There are older formats in order to use this layout with older versions of the software.

Save Copy As

Use this variation on the Save As command to save a copy of your layout to a different file, without changing the name as it's known by the program. The Save As command also renames the current layout when you invoke that command, but Save Copy As does not.

Close - Ctrl+W

Select this to close the current document. If there any unsaved changes, you will be asked if you want to save them first. This only closes the current document. The last used document will become the active document.

Snapshots Menu

Snapshots are a way to save works in progress, with automatic numbering. The snapshots are regular .lw8 files that are saved in the Snapshots folder under the defaults Layouts folder. The default location will be Documents\LED Wizard 8\Layouts\Snapshots.

Open Snapshot

Open a previously created snapshot.

Save New Numbered Snapshot

This command will save a new .lw8 file as a numbered snapshot file. You just have to press Ctrl+Alt+S to save a new version of the current document. You don't have to pick a unique filename in order to have a point-in-time snapshot of the document.

Import - Ctrl+F8

The Import command is used to bring in files from other software, such as AutoCAD, Adobe Illustrator, Corel DRAW, etc.

Below is a description of this dialog box:

Look In

Select the folder from this list.

File name

Enter the name of the file you want to load, if you know the name.

Files of Type

Choose the type of file you want to open. Popular formats include PDF, AI, EPS, and DXF. The PDF format now has two options: PDF (PDFTron), which is the default, and Interpreted Postscript/PDF (Legacy). The default PDF (PDFTron) will generally provide better results and should be used first.

Full Scale

Click this to bring in the graphic at full scale. When this is NOT checked, you will be required to scale the object, so if you need to keep the original size, check this box before clicking on Import.

Show Preview

Click on this to view a preview of the selected graphic file in the large box at the very right side of the dialog box.

Thumbnail View as Default

Check this if you want the Import dialog to always open in thumbnail view.

Original Position

Check this if you want import the file using the original position it was create with it. With this option, if you export an object, and then import again, it automatically appear in the same position as the original file. This option, therefore, eliminates the positioning mode that normally occurs after this dialog box terminates.

Show Filter Options

Check this box to display the options dialog for the filter used, or uncheck it to skip the dialog entire.

Maximum Preview File Size

Specify the maximum size of the files that LED Wizard should try to preview. Set this to an appropriate number of bytes so that you don't wind up waiting for huge files to be loaded for previewing.

Skip Bitmaps

This option will skip all bitmap images, which should be checked unless the data you need is a bitmap. You can compare the preview with what you end up importing to tell if the relevant data is a bitmap image and must be imported along with the vector graphics.

Skip Clipping Paths

Using this option can streamline importing complex designs created in software like Adobe Illustrator, in which clipping paths (or clipping masks) are used liberally, and can cause problems with finding only the data you need to create an LED layout.

Skip Gradients

Use this option to ignore gradient fills when importing, which are rarely helpful.

Import Crop

You can draw a crop box in the preview window to Import only certain parts of a large design file. This will only work with vector files, and not bitmap files.

Please see the section on the Data Clean Up Tool for more details on the file importing and data clean up processes.


This command will allow you to bring in a scanned image for any camera or scanner supported by the Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) architecture. WIA is similar to TWAIN, but is more integrated with Windows and has more advanced features.

The standard user interface for the device will appear, and it will take over the scanning process. Once the scanning is done, a dotted red box will appear in the window, letting you place the image in the layout.

Export - Alt+X

The Export command lets you create a new file from your layout in many file formats, including EPS, AI, PDF, DXF and various bitmap formats.

Select the format to use and then, if you want to specify options, click the Options button.

Some of the special options in LED Wizard are described below:

Layers to Export

Click these layers to toggle them on or off when exporting.

The special LED layers are:

LED Modules. These are the actual modules, not including the drawings. If "LED Module Drawings" is not checked, a simple rectangle will be exported for each module.

LED Module Drawings. Selecting this causes the module drawings to exported as well.

LED Wires. This option exports the wires connecting each module. This is not always necessary for estimates.

Power Supply Wires. Select this to export the wires connecting the modules to the power supplies.

LED Info. Select this to export the statistics (letter and summary).

Module Markings. This is the data from the Router Layer indicating the position of each LED.

Holes. These are the Mounting Holes from the Auto Mounting Holes Tool.

Title Block. Select this layer to include the title block template.

Letter Stats. This layer contains the letter stats in the upper right of the layout.

Above the Letter Stats. This contains the stats above the letters, as selected in the Options dialog box, LED tab.

Export Profile

This is a saved export profile you can select from, which just includes Layers to Export.


Press this to update the selected preset with the currently selected Layers to Export.


Press this to remove the selected preset.


Press this to add a new preset.

Objects to Export

This is a simple count of the objects what will be exported, based on Selected Only and Layers to Export.

Selection Only

This determines whether the entire layout is exported, or just the current selection.

All Layers

Press this to select all layers for exporting.


When exporting to a bitmap format, this selects the bits per pixel. You must use 32 and a compatible bitmap format, such as TIFF or PNG, to include an alpha channel and achieve transparency.


This can be used to select a specific Dots Per Inch.


This is the total number of pixels wide the exported bitmap will be.


This is the total number of pixels high the exported bitmap will be.


Select the compression quality, when using JPEG format.


Press this to view or change additional options for the selected format.

Auto Preview

Check this box to enable automatic preview mode.


Press this button to generate a preview of the export, showing which of the selected layers will be exported.

Export Scaled PDF

This special export mode exports your LED layout to a PDF file at a US letter, US Tabloid, or international A4 or A3 page size, scaling everything down to fit the page.

See [[Export]] for information on the Export dialog box.

Email PDF

This command will immediately create a PDF file and launch your email software using the MAPI system.


Send Layout

This creates an email with the current layout as an attachment.

Send JPG Snapshot

This creates a JPEG bitmap image of the current layout and attaches it to a new email, ready to send.

Send EPS

This creates an EPS file of the current layout and attaches it to a new email, ready to send.

Send AI

This sends an Adobe Illustrator file of the current layout and attaches it to a new email, ready to send. The version used is 6, which supports the major features, including images.

Note: Images in EPS or AI files are not compressed, and it's not a good idea to email such files if the images are large. In this case, we recommend exporting the file and then zipping it before emailing.

Please note: this feature uses your default Windows email program, such as Microsoft Outlook, and creates a new email with the file as an attachment. It will not create an email using a web-based email system such as Gmail. To send a file with web-based email, Save or Export the file, create the email, and add the file as an attachment.

Print - Ctrl+P

This selection will allow you print the current layout. You can print the layout actual size, fit it to the page, or print it at a particular scale. There are also options for printing colors, printing just the selected object (if any), automatically centering the layout on the page, and printing each color in the layout on separate pages as black color separations. Finally, you can specify how many copies you would like. Here is a description of the Print dialog box:


Select the printer you want to use from this drop down listbox. This list shows the printer and port it?s currently connected to.

Print Colors

Check this box when you want to print all the colors in the layout.

Print Selection

Check this option if you want to print only the selected object. This option will be unavailable if there is no object currently selected. You can print either a single object or an entire group using this option.

Zoom to Selection

This checkbox will cause the printed region of the layout to be zoomed to the current selection, and it will print as expected, whether or not the selection is inside the layout boundaries.

Print Layout Frame

Check this if you want to the layout?s border to print as a thin box around the layout. This is useful in showing the substrate?s size.

Center on Page

Check this box to force the layout to be centered on the page as you change the size using the Layout Size options described below.

Print as Black Separations

Use this option to print several different colors in your design on separate pages, one page per color. When this is checked, all uncolored objects will be printed on every page, so that they may act as registration marks. All colored objects will be printed on separate pages, but always in black, regardless of the original color.


This box shows a preview of the layout as it will be printed on the page. You can drag the dark gray area (which represents the layout) and move it around to better position it.

Layout Size - Actual Size

Select this checkbox when you want the printout to be the same actual size as your layout (for example, one inch in your layout will be one inch on the paper).

Layout Size - Fit To Page

Select this option to have the layout be sized to fit in the page. This will preserve the aspect ratio of the layout, so that, usually, there will be space on the top and bottom or left and right sides.

Layout Size - Scale

Select this checkbox when you want to specify a particular scaling value for the layout. The numeric value to the right of the checkbox is a percentage of the actual or original size of the layout. For example, a 200% scale with will make the layout appear twice as large on the page compared to its original size. You must move to another dialog item to see the change take place.

Layout Size - Width

You can specify a particular width for the layout by entering a number into this box. The Height box below it will change accordingly so that the overall aspect ratio of the layout is not changed. You must move to another dialog item to see the change take place.

Layout Size - Height

You can specify a particular height for the layout by entering a number into this box. The Width box above it will change accordingly so that the overall aspect ratio of the layout is not changed. You must move to another dialog item to see the change take place.


Press this button to configure the printer currently shown in the Printers list. You can change the orientation between landscape and portrait, in addition to setting other options, which are specific to your printer.


This select command to exit the software. For any unsaved documents, you will be asked if you want to save them. You can respond with Yes, No, or Cancel. For any document in which you press Cancel, exiting of the software will be canceled. If you elect to save a document, but press Cancel, exiting will be canceled.

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