Guidelines allow you to easily align objects to each other or against an imaginary guide. Objects and vectors will snap to the guideline when Snap to Guidelines is enabled and the cursor is close to the guideline.
Creating Guidelines
To create a guideline, make sure the rulers are displayed (see Show Rulers) and then simply click and drag on a ruler to bring in a new guideline. You can then click it again to move it.
Rotating Guidelines
To rotate a guideline, Shift-Click on a guideline and you will enter the rotate mode. The property bar then lets you enter a specific angle of rotation if you wish.
Deleting Guidelines
To delete a guideline, press the blue X button in the property bar. The red X will delete all guidelines in the layout.
Snap to Guidelines
The Snap to Guidelines command in the Layout menu will enable or disable snapping to guidelines.
Guideline Property Bar
Guidelines have various properties that can be changed numerically to get more precise placement of the guides in the layout.
Enter the position of the guideline on the x-axis.
Enter the position of the guideline on the y-axis.
Enter the angle of the guideline in degrees. Normally, only positive numbers will appear here, although negative numbers are allowed.
Convert to Horizontal Guide
Select this option to make it a horizontal guideline.
Convert to Vertical Guide
Select this option to make it a vertical guideline.
Angled Guideline
Select this option to make it an angled guideline. See Angle above.
Lock Guideline
This indicates whether the guideline is locked, which prevents it from being moved accidentally.
Center the Guideline
Click this to make the guideline centered in the layout.
Snap to Guidelines
This indicates whether or not objects snap to guidelines.
Selectable Guidelines
Click this to make guidelines selectable or not, which is useful in complex layouts.
Delete Guide
Deletes the selected guideline.
Delete All Guides
Delete all the guidelines.