Here is the list of keys to note when using the Vector Edit Tool or the On Screen Digitizing Tool.
A key
Convert the selected vector to an arc.
B key
Convert the selected vector to a bezier curve.
C key
Create an arc using a midpoint on the arc and an endpoint.
E key
Change the start/end point of the current loop.
F key
Bezier curve fit
G key
Toggle a corner.
H key
Guideline cleanup
I key
This key breaks the current vector into two parts at the cursor.
J key
Join start/end
K key
Sharpen corner.
L key
Turn the selected vector into a line.
M key
Mainly for neon and LED signs, this moves the opening of an open path to the current cursor.
N key
This key starts a new path at the cursor.
O key
This key breaks the loop open at the cursor.
Q key
This key starts the start of a bezier curve fit operation.
S key
This key starts the process of digiziting a bezier curve.
T key
This key creates a new arc that is tangent to the last selected vector.
This key deletes the selected vectors(s).
This key does the same thing as the I key, above.
W key
This key adds a simple line to the current loop.
X key
This key closes the current loop.
Z key
This key executes the Edit | Undo command, the same as Ctrl+Z.