This tool lets you reduce the number of vectors and enhance the tangency between arcs and lines, as well as optionally convert lines to arcs. It is also the primary tool for converting Beziers to arcs and lines for export to a router or channel letter return bending machine.
Optimize Vectors is one of the options in the Data Clean Up Tool.
Original Nodes
Check this to display the node handles for the original graphic. The original graphic and nodes are shown in gray. Without this check, only the outline is shown.
Close Loops
Check this to force all loops (paths) to be closed. If your design has intentional open loops, leave it unchecked, but you won't be able to use certain tools that require closed loops.
Reorder Loops
Check this to force the proper loop order for outlining, weld, PowerFlow, etc.
Lines to Arcs
Check this when the graphic contains all lines. It will attempt to create arcs where possible. The number to the right is the tolerance, ranging from 1 to 30. You will see the effect of each setting when you press the Preview button.
Lines to Beziers
Check this when the graphic contains all lines and you want to convert to Beziers instead of arcs.
Max Dev(iation)
This is a value that helps determine how much a node is allowed to deviate from the original path in the conversion and clean up process. A small number like .001 will be very tight to the original path, while a number of .01 would be a little looser.
Smooth Factor
The smooth factor ranges from about 1 to 100. Hit Preview to see the effect immediately and adjust to suit your requirements. A small smooth factor of 1-10 creates more arcs, with better tracking of the original shape. Higher values create fewer arcs, but with the risk of the shape changing more than you want. The preview feature lets you see the result and compare it with the original without leaving this tool.
This button will let you preview the smoothing results. The preview is shown in green, overlaid with the gray original.
Press this button to finish with this tool. Esc will cancel.
Note: The preview will change the arc resolution to 1.5 degrees and the bezier resolution to 32 steps, in order to let you see the most accurate comparison of the old and new paths. These user settings are not permanently changed by this tool.