Intro to LED Wizard 8 Docs
Getting Started
System Requirements
Screen Layout
LED Wizard Basics
Basic Workflow
Operating Modes
Defaults and Preferences
New in Version 8
Data Clean Up Tool
Module Filtering
LED Wizard Fonts
LED Wizard 8 Database
Population Scaling Tool
Graphical Population Scaling
Auto Stats and Title Block Merging
Auto Power Supply Loading
Auto Dimensioning
Single Run Populations
Create Guide Paths from Open Vector Paths
Freehand Drawing Tool
Power Supply Colors
New Auto Power Supply Loading Options
Multiple Document Interface
Power Supply Rotation
Population Library
Core Series Flexible Mode
Creating LED Module Layouts
Using the PowerFlow Tool
Creating and Editing LED Modules
Scaling LED Graphics
Working with Guidepaths
Working with Selections
Editing Existing Selections
Cabinet Layouts
Parallel Layouts
Module Rotations
Reusing Module Layouts
Target Density
LED Property Bar
Using Power Supplies
Using Title Blocks
Multiple Module Title Blocks
Title Block Variables
Using Guidelines
Copy and Paste
Importing Files
From Adobe Illustrator
From Corel Draw
From AutoCAD
Exporting Files
Editing Text
Vector Editing
Loop Editing
Tools, Tabs and Property Bars
PowerFlow Tool
PowerFlow Property Bar
PowerFlow Tab
PowerFlow Tool Keyboard Shortcuts
Semi-Automatic Populations
Layout Tool
Data Clean Up Tool
Auto Mounting Holes Tool
Assign Letters Tool
Scale Tab
Summary Tab
PS Tab
Objects Tab
Layers Tab
History Tab
Job Tab
Text Edit Tool
Vector Edit Tool
Keys for Vector Editing
Loop Edit Tool
On Screen Digitizing Tool
Object Property Bar
Group Property Bar
Guideline Property Bar
Measure Tool Property Bar
Bitmap Property Bar
LED Object Property Bar
Job Color Property Bar
Menu Reference
File Menu
Open Recent
Save As
Save Copy As
Snapshots Menu
Export Scaled PDF
Email PDF
Edit Menu
Paste Special
Paste in Place
Select All
Vector/Node Tools
Vector - Insert
Vector - To Line
Vector - To Arc
Vector - To Bezier
Vector - Break Loop
Vector - Set St/End Point
Vector - Join St/End Point
Vector - Move Opening
Vector - Add Vertical Guide
Vector - Add Horizontal Guide
Reorder Loops
Unexplode Vector Paths
Purge Undo/History
Document Properties
View Menu
Zoom commands
Toolbox menu
Custom Toolbars
Show Fill Colors
Show Stroke Colors
Show Grid
Show Guidelines
Show Rulers
Show Loop Direction
Show Job Color Palette
Show Side Bar
Show Info Bar
Show Help Bar
Show Group Member Names
Highlight Small Vectors
Transparent Background
Reset Toolbar Layout
Layout Menu
Guides commands
Shapes commands
Rounded Rectangle
Layout Properties
Size to Fit
Show Layout Size
Snap to Grid
Snap to Guidelines
Snap Dimensions to Graphics
Selectable Guidelines
Auto Square
Create Auto Dimensions
Arrange Menu
Align Tools
Distribute Tools
Group Tools
Select Only by Edge Click
Allow Options
Break Into Loops
Break Into Outer Loops
Close All Loops
Remove All Inner Loops
Horizontal Mirror
Vertical Mirror
Z Order Tools
Move to Layer
To Top
To Bottom
Move One Up
Move One Down
Text Menu
Text Tool
Break Apart
Live Spell Checking
Convert to Text
Change Copy
Change Case Tools
Font Wizard
Font Layout
Add Variable Text
Edit Variable Text
Remove Variable Text
Image Menu
Crop Tool
Rotate +/- 90 Degrees
Flip Horizontal/Vertical
Commit Rotation
1:1 Zoom
Save (Image) As
Cut at Max Length
Reorder Tubes
Power Supply Template Setup
Multi Excel Update
LED Menu
PowerFlow LED Tool
Assign Letters
Statistics Menu
Update Statistics
Update Grouped Statistics
Recreate Statistics
Respace Stats
Uniformly Respace Stats
Merge Title Block Template
Remove Title Block
This Document is a Title Block
Optimized Title Block Text
Create Module Hole Layer
Create Router Layer
Auto Mounting Holes Tool
Update Vector Guidepaths
Remove Vector Guidepaths
Create Guide Paths from Open Vector Paths
Recreate with Bezier Curves
Rasterize-Vectorize Filter
Remove LED Modules
Populate Menu
Populate All
Populate Along Guide
Populate Stroke Inline
Populate Single Horizontal Serif
Paste Selected Runs
Insert Parallel Guide Line
Add to Population Library
Respace Selected Runs
Auto Respace
Auto Join
Filtering Enabled
Calculate Stroke Width at Cursor
Modify Menu
Select All Modules in Run
Select All Modules in Letter
Select Stroke
Add Run to Selection
Rotate Menu
Reset Primary Rotation Angle
Reset Secondary Rotation Angle
Alternate Rotations
Rotate 90 degrees
Rotate 45 degrees
Rotate 45 degrees - Alternating
Rotate Counter-Clockwise (Left)
Rotate Clockwise (Right)
Flip Primary Rotation Angle
Flip Secondary Rotation Angle
Convert to Perpendicular Alternate Rotated
Density Menu
Increase Density
Increase Density For Entire Run
Decrease Density
Decrease Density For Entire Run
Uniform Spacing
Uniform Spacing For Entire Run
Add / Remove Density Segment
Show Density Segments
Clear All Density Segments
Append Module
Insert Single Module
Mirror Horizontal
Mirror Vertical
Fill To Cursor
Break Run
Move Opening
Convert To Line
Shift Menu
Shift Inward
Shift Outward
Slide Backward
Slide Forward
Slide to Max Spacing
Reconnect Runs
Center in Stroke
Center in Stroke w/Cleaning
Mouse Menu
Nudge Faster
Delete Current Run
Delete Module(s)
Delete Module(s) and Break
Delete All Modules in Current Letter
Delete Modules in All Letters
Remove Overlapping Modules
PowerFlow Measure Mode
Ensure Reachability
Change All Modules
PS Menu
Power Supply Edit Mode
Add Selection Rectangle Modules to Power Supply
Connect Run to Power Supply
Remove Run from Power Supply
Add New Power Supply
Remove Power Supply
Add One Power Supply per Letter
Add One Power Supply per Letter (Auto Select PS)
Add One Power Supply for All Letters
Add One Power Supply for All Letters (Auto Select PS)
Add Optimal Power Supplies by Letter
Add Optimal Power Supplies by Run
Add Optimal Power Supplies by Modules (breaks runs)
Connect Current Letter to Power Supply
Remove Current Letter from Power Supply
Drawing Left
Drawing Above
Drawing Right
Drawing Below
Next Drawing Position
Hide Power Supplies
Arrange Power Supplies in a Grid
Options Menu
Show Connecting Wires
Show Run Numbers
Show Power Supply Wires
Show Power Supply Data Boxes
Show Power Supply Data Box Borders
Show Module Drawings
Show Letters and Stats
Show Vector Guidepaths
Show Stroke Width Line
Enable Dynamic Repop
Power Supply Color Mode
Auto Extend
Remove All Stray Modules
Refresh Run Numbers
PowerFlow Menu
Ctrl Enables Snapping
Non-Snapping Movement Auto Rotates
Non-Snapping Drag Auto Rotates
Show Stroke Circle
Excel Menu
LED Excel Link Setup
Update Excel
Auto Update Excel
Excel Enabled
Title Block Setup
Letter Statistics Setup
Legacy Statistics Template Setup
Power Supply Template Setup
Power Supply Pricing Setup
Module Pricing Setup
Filter Modules
Edit Face Materials
Legacy Letter Statistics Mode
Open Merged Titleblock File
Upload Log Files
Tools Menu
General Tab
View Tab
Edit Tab
Save Tab
Text Tab
Tools Tab
High Color Toolbox
Update LED Database
Reload LED Database
Layout Tool
Vector Edit Tool
Loop Edit Tool
On Screen Digitize Tool
Freehand Drawing Tool
Data Prep Tool
Calculate Area
Channel Letter Return
Radius Corners
Convert Menu
Convert Beziers to Arcs
Convert Arcs to Beziers
Convert to All Lines
Convert Lines to Arcs
Convert Flat Blend to Simple Fills
Convert All Clippings Paths to Normal Paths
Convert All Clipping Paths to Normal Filled Paths
Detect Letters
Remove Coincident Loops Across Layout
Remove All Clipping Paths
Optimize Vectors
Find Self-Intersecting Loops
Force Loop Direction
Remove Duplicate Loops
Display Path Length
Reset Windows Explorer File Association
Open AppData Folder
Window Menu
Tile Vertical
Tile Horizontal
Help Menu
Get Help
Check for Web Updates
About LED Wizard
DXF Options
PDF Options
Shortcut Key Reference
Working with App Data Files
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8.3 View Menu

Zoom commands

You can zoom the layout in and out with the right mouse button. Right click in the layout and draw a box to define the new workspace view. Right click and release the button without moving to zoom out.

To pan the workspace, hold the space bar while moving the mouse.

Zoom In

This command lets you zoom in closer. Use the left button to draw a box that defines the new zoom level.

Zoom Out

This command zooms out to the last zoom level.

Zoom All

This command zooms to the entire set of graphics in the layout. This will include objects that are outside the dotted line rectangle, which is the overall Layout Size.

Zoom Object

This zooms to the selected object.

Zoom Layout

This zooms to the layout itself.


Holding down the Space bar while moving the mouse will pan. This command itself does nothing and it's only here to show that the Space bar activates panning.

Right Mouse Button Zooming

In addition to these Zoom tools, remember that drawing a box with the right mouse button will Zoom In. Holding the mouse still and clicking the right mouse button will Zoom Out. Zooming using the right mouse button is nested, meaning you can have different zoom levels. Zooming in this way works in all operating modes.

Mouse Wheel Zooming

If your mouse has a wheel, then you can also use this for Zooming. Rolling the mouse wheel away from you Zooms In, and rolling the wheel towards you Zooms Out. You might want to use this approach along with the Space bar to adjust the exact position of the zoom.

Toolbox menu

High Color Toolbox Editor

This modeless dialog box lets you customize the high color toolbox. You can select from any number of predefined configurations, drag icons to the toolbox to add them, and even recreate the toolbox using a different size for the icons.


This list represents all of the toolbox configurations available. The Icons folder contains two files for every configuration: A .hci file containing the icons rendered as transparent bitmaps, and a .tbx file, containing the set of menu commands for the toolbox.

Icon Source

This lets you create a totally different icon set to use, which determines the actual look of each icon. To create an alternate icon source file, save the loaded layout to a different name in the special Icons folder (which is in the LED Wizard program folder), then restart the software.


Press this button to create a new named toolbox configuration.


Press this button to remove the selected toolbox configuration.


Use this to rename the current icon configuration. This renames all associated files located in the Icons folder.

Menu Commands

This list is the all menu commands in the software that can be assigned an icon and/or placed in the toolbox. Not every command has an icon, but you can easily create one yourself.

The procedure for creating your own icons is simple:

  1. Make the sure the High Color Toolbox Editor dialog box is visible.

  2. Create a new graphic or group, as if you were designing a sign, and select it.

  3. Simply double-click the corresponding menu command in the Menu Commands list. This establishes a link between the graphic (as icon) and the menu command.

  4. Click Render All Icons and your icon will be available as an icon shortcut for the menu command you choose. You can then drag that menu command / icon pair right onto the live toolbox to add it to the toolbox.

Icon Size

This is the size of the icons in pixels. The Margin setting will decrease the actual rendered size by the corresponding percent of this icon size.


This adds a margin around each icon so they don't bunch up too much and are easier to read.


This option will make all icons grayscale, if you prefer to not have our colorful icons interfere with the color perception of your designs.

Highlight Unassigned

This draws a small "U" next to all graphics that don't have a menu command associated with them.

Default Toolbars

This text box lets you define the default toolbars that appear docked at the top of the window when this icon configuration is selected. You enter here the names of the icon groups that identify the toolbars you wish see docked at the top of the window, separated by semicolons. The names must be exactly match the group names for them to appear.

Render All Icons

This command converts all the icons defining in the current layout to a set of small transparent bitmaps which are directly used in the high color toolbox.

Custom Toolbars

This menu lists all the custom toolbars as defined by the Group naming of icons in Tools | Options | High Color Toolbox. Every icon with the same Group name is automatically part of a custom toolbar that you can show or hide with this menu.

Drawing Mode

These commands enable the new anti-aliased drawing mode.

Standard Drawing Mode

Switch into the standard drawing mode. This is not as smooth as Anti-alias mode, but it is usually faster.

Standard Plus Anti-Alias Drawing Mode

Ultra Drawing Mode

This mode is the new high quality mode, which creates a much smoother look for vector graphics.

Use Standard When Show Fill Colors is Off

Check this to revert to Standard mode when in wireframe mode, which will be faster.


Use this tool to redraw the screen. Sometimes the screen does not update fast enough or automatically, and you can use the Refresh tool to do this manually. This does not make any changes to the underlying layout.

The shortcut key for Refresh is W.

Show Fill Colors

This toggles the display of fill colors in the design. The Color Palette along the right edge of the screen will toggle on and off with this option as well.

When Show Fill Colors is off, then Wireframe mode will be on, which shows the Loop Directions of blue for a closed outside loop, red for a closed inside loop, and black for an open loop.

The shortcut key for Show Fill Colors is F3.

Show Stroke Colors

This toggles the display of strokes in the design. A stroke will not be drawn in wireframe mode.

Wireframe - Fill Only - Fill and Stroke

Show Grid

When Show Grid is selected a series of dots will be displayed in the background. You can change the size of the grid points by selecting Layout Properties from the Layout Menu or by double clicking in an open space in the layout area.

You can then enter the increments for both the Horizontal and Vertical axis. Once you select OK, the grid will be displayed with the new information. You can also select Snap to Grid, which will only allow you to move an object from one grid point to the other.

When you use Grid Mode as an LED layout option, this will create a grid with the horizontal and vertical axes that you define.

Show Guidelines

When the Show Guidelines command is selected, the guidelines are hidden or shown, depending on whether the command was checked or not. If it was previously checked, then the guidelines will be hidden, and if it was not checked, the guidelines will be shown. The guidelines are always active whether or not they are shown.

Show Rulers

This option will show or hide the Rulers on the top and left side of the workspace window. Note that you must have the rulers on to create guidelines.

Rulers will be displayed in the Units of Measure that you have selected in the Options dialog box in the Tools Menu.

Show Loop Direction

The Show Loop Direction command is a toggle command, meaning that when you select this command, the loop direction will be displayed if it isn't already, or it will be turn off if it is displayed.

See Reorder Loops for more information.

The Show Loop Direction option should normally be checked.

Show Job Color Palette

Select this to show or hide the palette at the bottom of the window that contains the current job colors and lets you set fill color, stroke color and stroke width parameters.

Show Side Bar

This will toggle the side bar on and off. The sidebar is on the right of the screen and contains various tabs, such as PowerFlow on the top and PS on the bottom.

In normal operation, the side bar should always be on.

Show Info Bar

This toggles on and off a horizontal bar below the property bar area, which shows various properties of the select object(s), such as the name, size and position.

Show Help Bar

Select this command to turn off or on the Help Bar at the bottom of the screen.

The Help Bar will give you context sensitive help regarding the current tool or function.

Once you know how LED Wizard works, you may not need the help messages, and turning the bar off will make your workspace larger. But sometimes you might forget a particular keystroke or option for a feature, and the Help Bar can come to the rescue.

Show Group Member Names

This command toggles the group member names display, which is used in the Assign Letters Tool.

An object has a Name, which is displayed in the Property Bar when that object is selected. You edit the Name in this field.

With this option checked, that Name will be displayed in the center of each object in a Group.

After you have populated an object, you can use the Assign Letters Tool to give each object a Name. If you have imported text, then this is how you will enter each letter, which will then be used in the Stats.

Highlight Small Vectors

Select this to highlight all very small vectors, which can help find problem areas in some files.

In this example, you can see some points highlighted as blue, which are non-tangent very small vectors, and some points highlighted in red, which are tangent very small vectors.

Depending on various parameters of an imported file, sometimes there are "very small vectors" that should be edited out using one of our tools. The Data Clean Up Tool is the obvious first choice, but the Alt-Smoothing function (Vector Edit Tool) is also very effective at removing extra points and smoothing out the data.

Using the function Recreate with Bezier Curves (Tight) (available in the Data Clean Up Tool or standalone in the LED Menu), we get the following:

It is a good idea to keep this option turned on, since this kind of data can increase file size and cause data or population problems.

Transparent Background

This command switches the transparent background mode off and on. With it on, there is no background color to the layout. Instead, a checkerboard is displayed beneath all graphics, which allows transparent bitmaps and objects filled with the background color to be seen.

Reset Toolbar Layout

Sometimes the Toolbars in LED Wizard can inadvertently be changed or edited, and this can make it difficult to access certain functions. The Reset Toolbar Layout function will return the toolbars to the original factory settings.

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