You can zoom the layout in and out with the right mouse button. Right click in the layout and draw a box to define the new workspace view. Right click and release the button without moving to zoom out.
To pan the workspace, hold the space bar while moving the mouse.
Zoom In
This command lets you zoom in closer. Use the left button to draw a box that defines the new zoom level.
Zoom Out
This command zooms out to the last zoom level.
Zoom All
This command zooms to the entire set of graphics in the layout. This will include objects that are outside the dotted line rectangle, which is the overall Layout Size.
Zoom Object
This zooms to the selected object.
Zoom Layout
This zooms to the layout itself.
Holding down the Space bar while moving the mouse will pan. This command itself does nothing and it's only here to show that the Space bar activates panning.
Right Mouse Button Zooming
In addition to these Zoom tools, remember that drawing a box with the right mouse button will Zoom In. Holding the mouse still and clicking the right mouse button will Zoom Out. Zooming using the right mouse button is nested, meaning you can have different zoom levels. Zooming in this way works in all operating modes.
Mouse Wheel Zooming
If your mouse has a wheel, then you can also use this for Zooming. Rolling the mouse wheel away from you Zooms In, and rolling the wheel towards you Zooms Out. You might want to use this approach along with the Space bar to adjust the exact position of the zoom.