This selection will allow you print the current layout. You can print the layout actual size, fit it to the page, or print it at a particular scale. There are also options for printing colors, printing just the selected object (if any), automatically centering the layout on the page, and printing each color in the layout on separate pages as black color separations. Finally, you can specify how many copies you would like. Here is a description of the Print dialog box:
Select the printer you want to use from this drop down listbox. This list shows the printer and port it?s currently connected to.
Print Colors
Check this box when you want to print all the colors in the layout.
Print Selection
Check this option if you want to print only the selected object. This option will be unavailable if there is no object currently selected. You can print either a single object or an entire group using this option.
Zoom to Selection
This checkbox will cause the printed region of the layout to be zoomed to the current selection, and it will print as expected, whether or not the selection is inside the layout boundaries.
Print Layout Frame
Check this if you want to the layout?s border to print as a thin box around the layout. This is useful in showing the substrate?s size.
Center on Page
Check this box to force the layout to be centered on the page as you change the size using the Layout Size options described below.
Print as Black Separations
Use this option to print several different colors in your design on separate pages, one page per color. When this is checked, all uncolored objects will be printed on every page, so that they may act as registration marks. All colored objects will be printed on separate pages, but always in black, regardless of the original color.
This box shows a preview of the layout as it will be printed on the page. You can drag the dark gray area (which represents the layout) and move it around to better position it.
Layout Size - Actual Size
Select this checkbox when you want the printout to be the same actual size as your layout (for example, one inch in your layout will be one inch on the paper).
Layout Size - Fit To Page
Select this option to have the layout be sized to fit in the page. This will preserve the aspect ratio of the layout, so that, usually, there will be space on the top and bottom or left and right sides.
Layout Size - Scale
Select this checkbox when you want to specify a particular scaling value for the layout. The numeric value to the right of the checkbox is a percentage of the actual or original size of the layout. For example, a 200% scale with will make the layout appear twice as large on the page compared to its original size. You must move to another dialog item to see the change take place.
Layout Size - Width
You can specify a particular width for the layout by entering a number into this box. The Height box below it will change accordingly so that the overall aspect ratio of the layout is not changed. You must move to another dialog item to see the change take place.
Layout Size - Height
You can specify a particular height for the layout by entering a number into this box. The Width box above it will change accordingly so that the overall aspect ratio of the layout is not changed. You must move to another dialog item to see the change take place.
Press this button to configure the printer currently shown in the Printers list. You can change the orientation between landscape and portrait, in addition to setting other options, which are specific to your printer.